Law of Tourism Sport News
Aprile 2013
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Umberto Izzo (a cura di), Filippo Bisanti, Carlo Bona, Stefania Rossi (fra gli autori collaboratori del sito) LA MONTAGNA. Tomo primo del Trattato “La responsabilità civile e penale negli sport del turismo [Mountain. First Book of a Treatise on “Civil and Criminal Liability in Tourism Sports”] Giappichelli, Torino, 2013 Freely downloadable table of contents and excerpt SEE the Video of the conference of presentation of the book. |
Luglio 2014
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Umberto Izzo, Francesco Morandi (a cura di) – Filippo Bisanti, Stefania Rossi (fra gli autori collaboratori del sito) L’ARIA. Tomo secondo del Trattato “La responsabilità civile e penale negli sport del turismo [Air. Second Book of a Treatise on “Civil and Criminal Liability in Tourism Sports”] Giappichelli, Torino, 2014 Read the Introduction. See the table of contents. Read the preview on google books. |
Maggio 2015
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Umberto Izzo, Francesco Morandi (a cura di) – Filippo Bisanti, Maria Assunta Cappelli, Sergio Di Paola, Rossana Ducato, Maria Isabella Pisanu, Stefania Rossi (fra gli autori collaboratori del sito) L’ACQUA. Mari, Laghi, fiumi. Tomo terzo del Trattato “La responsabilità civile e penale negli sport del turismo [WATER. Seas, Lakes, Rivers. Third Book of a Treatise on “Civil and Criminal Liability in Tourism Sports”] Giappichelli, Torino, 2015 Read the Introduction. See the table of contents. |
November 5, 2015
Umberto Izzo (with Francesco Morandi) organizes the conference “La responsabilità civile e penale negli sport del turismo (Civil and Criminal Liability in Tourism Sports)” at the Scuola dello Sport del Coni, Largo Giulio Onesti, ROMA. Time: 15.00-18.00. More details soon.
November 7, 2015
Carlo Bona talks at the conference “La responsabilità nell’accompagnamento di minori in montagna” (Civil liability issues when supervising minors during mountain climbing), to be held in Mestre. Time: 9.30-16-00. Read more.
December 11-12, 2015
Umberto Izzo organizes the International Workshop “Safety and Liability Rules in European Ski Areas”, Faculty of Law, University of Trento. See the call for papers and scientific program.
February 3, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks, invited for a pro bono hearing in front of the Second commission of the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento, on the Bill of the Autonomous Province of Trento n. 70 of 2015, concerning the regulation of the subjects entrusted wih a protected professional status for providing services of guided mountaineering.
February 5, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about “Civil Liability on a Slippery Slope: Problems and Perspectives of Ski Law” at the National Conference on Civil and Criminal Liability and Mountains, organized by La Rivista di Diritto Sportivo, Cortina D’Ampezzo, Grand Hotel di Savoia (program here).
February 19, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about the Civil Law Issues of Ski Litigation at the Conference organized by the Bolzano Bar (15-18), program here.
October 15, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about “Distribuire il costo sociale degli incidenti sciistici: responsabilità civile e assicurazione” [Distributing the Social Costs of Ski Accidents: Civil Liability and Insurance Issues] at the Second National Legal Conference organized by the Bar Associations of the Region Lombardia, Monza, 11-12, Teatro Manzoni, via Manzoni 23, Monza.
November 11, 2016
Rossana Ducato talks about “Droni per il search and rescue in aree valanghive: profili privatistici] [Drones for search and rescue in avalanche areas: private law issues], at the conference “Il futuro dei droni fra sfide tecnologiche e giuridiche” [The future of Drones between tecnological and legal challanges], organized by CNR and Sant’Anna Pisa, Firenze Palazzo Incontri, presenting the preliminary findings of the project D-FAB.