POLAND (credits: Dominik Wolski)
National public and private institutions that play a role in fostering the goal of safety of the ski areas:
$1 Authorities
Minister of the Interior (general responsibility for ensuring safety conditions in the mountains, ski areas including, supervision on police and mountain rescue services, issuing regulations on technical and safety conditions in the organized ski areas
Police (in charge to conduct controls in the organized ski areas in respect to alcohol sobriety and/or safety behaviour of skiers and snowboarders (i.a. disrespect of safety conditions in the organizes ski area)
Supreme Audit Office (in charge to conduct audits in terms of observance of safety conditions in the organized ski areas)
Public/private institutions:
Mountain Voluntary Rescue Service (Górskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe) – provides mountain rescue services i.a. in the organized ski areas (except Tatra Mountains)
Tatra Voluntary Rescue Service (Tatrzańskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe) – provides mountain rescue services i.a. in the organized ski areas located in Tatra Mountains
Private institutions:
Polish Ski Association – Polish official ski association responsible for professional skiing and snowboarding, training of ski and snowboard staff (in particular ski and snowboard sport trainers) and promotion of safety rules in professional and non-professional winter sports
Association of Ski instructors and Trainers – training of ski staff (instructors, trainers), promotion of safety behavior in the organized ski areas (i.a. FIS rules)
Association of Snowboard Instructors and Trainers – training of snowboard staff (instructors, trainers), promotion of safety behavior in organized ski areas (i.a. FIS rules)
National public or private entities which represent the Ski Area Operators:
In Poland there is no central association of ski area operators
Polish Ski and Touristic Stations (Polskie Stacje Narciarskie i Turystyczne) – the association gathers main and the biggest ski area operators in Poland, it organizes annual conferences on the issues related to ski areas concerning i.a. economic dimension, legal frames, technical issues, insurances, liability, etc., materials from conferences accessible on its website
National conference “Legal Aspects of Safety in Mountain: Tourism, Sport, Recreation” (in Polish)