SWITZERLAND (credits: Hannes Meyle)
National public and private institutions that play a role in fostering the goal of safety of the ski areas:
Authorities: No legal basis for the police to act as ski patrol
Public institutions
Schweizerische Kommission für Unfallverhütung auf Schneesportabfahrten, SKUS (Swiss Commission for Accident Prevention on Ski Pists)
Public foundation; establishes guidelines concerning security and the competence of rescue services
- Publications concerning behaviour and statistics
Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung, bfu (Information Center for Accident Prevention):
Public Task: Accident information and prevention with regard to professional and non-professional activities
For accident statistics concerning winter sports see page 44
Private institutions
Schweizerische Unfallversicherung, SUVA (Swiss Accident Insurance Company)
Largest Swiss accident insurance company
- accident statistics according to the Swiss Accident Insurance Law
National public or private entities which represent the Ski Area Operators
No central or national firm or ski area operator associations
Seilbahnen Schweiz (Cable Cars Switzerland)
Other website of academic or professional origin that provide useful information to our subject of research
Media Communications by SUVA on accident statistics, for example concerning relation and numbers of ski accidents vs. football accidents in 2013
Prevention campaign by SUV